How to treat a herniated disc?
Here is a proven technique, WITHOUT SURGERY
Expert opinion
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Here’s what Dr. Robert Hudgins, a leading U.S. neurosurgeon who practices at the Dallas hospital and uses the revolutionary technology of neurodisc decompression to treat a herniated disc without surgery, says:
“The spine is composed of vertebrae linked by discs. The disc has a soft center composed of 80% water. It is a gel that allows the column to move in all directions. For various reasons, when the disc loses its elasticity and leaks outward (hernia, bulging), pressure is exerted on the nerves at the exit of the spinal column, towards the spinal cord. This causes back pain. These nerves come out and join together to form the sciatic nerves that descend along the legs.
When we want to eliminate back pain, or pain to the sciatic nerves, we must open these vertebrae in order to reduce the pressure inside the disc; this is called decompression. The disc rehydrates and feeds on nutrients, allowing it to expand again and reduce pressure on the nerves.
How to treat a herniated disc without surgery?
This is the way to repair without any type of invasive operation. In my experience, this has almost always produced a lasting result. I saw several patients who had been prescribed surgery, and this alternative eliminated their pain without surgery.”
Healthcare professionals share their opinions on the benefits of non-surgical neurodisc decompression therapy (DNDSC) or if you prefer, how to treat a herniated disc without surgery:
“Surgery has its place, but definitely not in the first place. Neurodiscal decompression without surgery (NDNDSC) should be the priority treatment for patients with chronic back pain resulting from degeneration, bulges, herniated discs and facet syndromes. I’m a surgeon and I only want to operate when I absolutely have to. Fortunately, the DNDSC gives my patients a more conservative treatment option that can eliminate the need for surgery.”
Dr Bernard Zeliger, Orthopaedic Surgeon, University of Touro, Vallejo, California
“I have patients I was certain of, after examining them and seeing their MRI that they would need surgery. They came back to tell me that after two sessions, they were better and after completing their treatments, they were completely painless. I can’t argue with those results!”
Dr. Jeffrey Shall, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon
“During my 39 years in medicine, this is the best treatment I have found for patients with back pain. This treatment changes lives and frees them from the misery of chronic back pain. It repairs damaged discs that cause unbearable pain to sciatica patients. We were able to repair post-surgical sequelae that all the others could not repair. This treatment should be used first, before the operation.”
Treating a herniated disc without surgery is no longer experimental!
Dr. E. Michael Gutman. MD. Orlando, FL, Back Pain Institute of Orlando
“As medical specialists, we see many people with chronic back and neck pain. Like many doctors, we are frustrated to see those who do not respond to traditional treatments. With the DNDSC, we have a non-invasive approach that works to correct the cause of pain, giving results in the majority of people. This treatment can help the most difficult cases, including patients who have already had an operation. With tens of thousands of patients treated successfully and without surgery, this is not an experimental treatment! You can’t get better treatment for back pain.”
Dr. Ronald Klein, MD and Dr. E. Robert Wanat, DO
“With the DNDSC, we have treated thousands of patients with long-term results. This treatment offers a real modification to the disc diseases of these patients as well as to the rehabilitation of neurological and mechanical symptoms rather than simply offering palliative care. I use it for myself and it works.”
Dr. Phil Fisher, DO, PhD
“All neurologists like myself have long known that we must do everything possible to help our patients to avoid spinal surgery. Today with the DNDSC, we have a very effective way to treat back pain without surgery. By following the treatment protocol, the majority, even the worst cases, mention a long-term outcome.”
Dr. Orlando Maldonado, MD
“Radiant extreme pain in my left leg to the toes, MRI and SCAN showed deterioration in the L4-L5, L5-S1 area. Since the end of my DNDSC treatments, I no longer have any pain in my back, nor in my left leg, I run, I cut my grass.”
Dr. Robert Channey, MD
“I have treated hundreds of patients between the ages of 17 and 84 with this revolutionary, non-invasive, non-surgical, drug-free treatment. It was my most impressive and rewarding clinical experience. I am delighted to offer a treatment that has led to a reduction in drug use and an improvement in quality of life.”
Dr. Gerard B. Weiss, MD. Norwalk, CT, back specialist
“I was so impressed with the results that I sent my husband who had been suffering from chronic back pain for a very long time. Since his treatments five years ago, he lives without pain. I myself suffered from an L4-L5 lumbar hernia which required hospitalization, with DNDSC treatment, my symptoms had improved since my first treatments. Five weeks later, my husband and I were able to enjoy our 15th wedding anniversary trip without back pain. I recommend this treatment as a first choice.”
Dr. Sandra Fallico, MD, Radiologist, Melrose Park, Illinois, Gottlieb Memorial
“This treatment should be the initial treatment for patients suffering from chronic back pain, such as degeneration, bulging and herniated discs, and facetary syndromes. I see surgery as a last resort, and the NHPD gives my patients the option of a more conservative treatment that can eliminate the need for surgery.”
Dr. Vik Singh, MD, West Hills, CA, Medical Director
“Decompression therapy significantly reduced intradiscal pressure. Promoting retraction of the herniation, improving diffusion gradient into the disc that allows nutrients and healing.”
Tilaro F. Canadian Journal of Clinical Medecine. 5:1-7.1998
“30 patients with lumbar herniations. Herniation retraction occurred in 70% and good clinical improvements were seen in over 93%. The authors concluded improved blood flow was the source of healing.”
Onel. D et al.: CT Investigation on Lumbar Herniation. Spine 14:82-90.1989
“86% had good-excellent results.”
Saal,JA Saal,JS: Nonoperative Treatment of Herniated Lumbar Disc with radiculopathy (leg pain). Spine 14 (4):431-437.1989
“77% to 86% reduction in pain.”
Alex Macario. MD, de l’école de médecine Standford, CA, USA